Core Competencies


In English, we did essays on movies and stories, which was a great demonstration of enjoyable work because we watched a movie to gain interest while also ending with writing to show your understanding. This activity helps me get engaged and interested, but after the fun comes the work. I find this a great way to teach to get a good understanding of the activity.



I’ve grown the most in PE. I used to struggle to pay attention and stay quiet, but now I am always listening and being a leader helping people and demonstrating certain activities if needed. I used to be looking at other PE classes and getting distracted, but now I am always focused on my teacher following her until she is finished talking. I help with getting setup when needed and help demonstrate the different units. I also help others if they are struggling and need help.



Next, I will focus on developing my math comprehension by asking questions and paying attention to lessons at all times so I am keeping up and staying on top of my work. I will also take more time on it making sure math is a priority for my learning. I can use any free time I get at home to do my homework so I stay up to date.

Coast Salish Art



QUESTION: How has your awareness of Coast Salish Art in our community changed? Be specific and give at least one example.

My awareness of Coast Salish Art has changed as I now understand the way a piece of art comes together in their way of making it. I know this because of the appearance and the feelings I experienced during the time I was given to do this exercise.

Information Fluency Paragraph

QUESTION: Should hockeys players be able to enter the NHL under the age limit?

My Paragraph:

I think the younger generation of hockey players is very skilled. They are very creative always looking for ways to improve their game or finding new tricks to show off. I believe a lot of these young adults are totally capable of playing in the big leagues. I also think that some are even more skillful than the older men who have been in the league for many years! The only problem I can think of is the awareness that they need to have because of the older men with bigger bodies laying targets on the younger players.

AI Paragraph:

The question of whether hockey players should be allowed to enter the NHL under the age limit is a complex issue with arguments on both sides. Advocates for allowing underage players entry argue that exceptional talent should not be hindered by age restrictions, as some players demonstrate professional-level skills at a young age. They contend that early entry can enhance the competitiveness of the league and provide opportunities for young players to fulfill their potential. However, opponents express concerns about the physical and emotional readiness of younger players for the demands of professional hockey, as well as the potential impact on their education and personal development. Ultimately, any decision regarding age limits in the NHL must carefully balance the pursuit of talent with the well-being and long-term development of the players.


What was your experience in using AI?
The AI I used was ChatGPT and I found it very easy to use. I think it is also a great tool to use for further and deeper research.

Was the paragraph the AI generated accurate? Fact-check any new information and see if it’s true.
Yes, I’ve done research over the younger generation of hockey players before and the AI paragraph had many facts from my research.

Was the exercise useful? How can this help you with your learning going forward?
Yes I found it useful in a way that I can use AI to help me look further into my researching or to gain extra knowledge.

Were your results expected? Yes or No? Explain.
I did not expect this result. I did not picture the AI paragraph to be as long and detailed as it was. I was expecting a paragraph with a little less little things to talk about.

Take your kid to work day











On this day, we went to the Royal Colombian Hospital. This is my mother’s workplace. I went by myself but found a few friends while I was there. For the rest of the time, we were taken on a tour all throughout the building.

  1. What did you hear, see, smell, and feel in the work environment on Nov. 1st? 

I saw multiple things helping with your health. 

  1. What about the environment would motivate you to wake up every day to attend work? 

To save the lives of patients in need. Help solve their problems. 

  1. What about the work environment would discourage you from waking up every day to attend work? 

Having to wear a mask everyday making me hot. 

  1. What is ONE thing you found interesting about your workplace visit?

All the machinery in the labs worth millions of dollars.