In English, we did essays on movies and stories, which was a great demonstration of enjoyable work because we watched a movie to gain interest while also ending with writing to show your understanding. This activity helps me get engaged and interested, but after the fun comes the work. I find this a great way to teach to get a good understanding of the activity.
I’ve grown the most in PE. I used to struggle to pay attention and stay quiet, but now I am always listening and being a leader helping people and demonstrating certain activities if needed. I used to be looking at other PE classes and getting distracted, but now I am always focused on my teacher following her until she is finished talking. I help with getting setup when needed and help demonstrate the different units. I also help others if they are struggling and need help.
Next, I will focus on developing my math comprehension by asking questions and paying attention to lessons at all times so I am keeping up and staying on top of my work. I will also take more time on it making sure math is a priority for my learning. I can use any free time I get at home to do my homework so I stay up to date.