Climate Change Infographic

Is it too Late to Stop Climate Change

My Infographic was about climate change and the effects of it. I wanted to show how close we are to a point where climate change becomes irreversible. A possibility where it is undoubtably the sixth mass extinction event causing 1/3 of all life to go extinct by 2070. This is not for certain though as through concerted effort, emissions can be reduced to that of post revolution. The main sites I used were Statista, WWF, Nasa Global Climate Change, World Economic Forum, as well as documents published by the Canadian government regarding emissions and targets. I found them mostly through research with some being of prior knowledge. To create the infographic I used Canva. I learnt how simple and user friendly it was despite having only used it once before. It provided a variety of easy design ideas like graphs, images, and drawings. It is really easy nowadays to create professional looking advertisements, designs, and posters while not needing to spend hours creating graphics. There is also a endless depth of knowledge available to anyone with an internet connection as long as you are able to navigate them. Sites like where I got my information from, can provide statistics, facts, and diagrams all in one spot. Trustworthy sites like StatsCan, can provide knowledge with little need for fact checking. Compared to many years ago, information is much easier to access and use.




cycles, This text provides general information Statista assumes no liability for the information given being complete or correct Due to varying update, and Statistics Can Display More up-to-Date Data Than Referenced in the Text. “Topic: Global Climate Change.” Statista, Accessed 9 May 2023.
cycles, This text provides general information Statista assumes no liability for the information given being complete or correct Due to varying update, and Statistics Can Display More up-to-Date Data Than Referenced in the Text. “Topic: Global Climate Change.” Statista, Accessed 9 May 2023.

IPCC report: urgent climate action needed to halve emissions by 2030 | World Economic Forum (

cycles, This text provides general information Statista assumes no liability for the information given being complete or correct Due to varying update, and Statistics Can Display More up-to-Date Data Than Referenced in the Text. “Topic: Global Climate Change.” Statista, Accessed 9 May 2023.
How Many Species Are We Losing? Accessed 9 May 2023.
Polukhin, Alexander, et al. “INFLUENCE OF MELTING GLACIERS ON HYDROCHEMICAL STRUCTURE OF COASTAL EOCOSYSTEM OF WESTERN SPITZBERGEN.” Proceedings of International Conference “Managinag Risks to Coastal Regions and Communities in a Changinag World” (EMECS’11 – SeaCoasts XXVI), Academus Publishing, 2017, pp. 1–1. (Crossref),
“Forests and Deforestation – Our World in Data.” Bing, Accessed 9 May 2023.

Government of Canada, Public Services and Procurement Canada. Information archivée dans le Web. Accessed 9 May 2023.

Information Fluency

Those who have influenced High Jump as a Sport

Up until the the late 1960’s, High Jump was an event where the contest ran up to the bar and jumped over it in a seated position. The legs moved in a scissor motion; thus, gaining the name the scissor. In 1968 this changed when Dick Fosbury competed in the Olympics based in Mexico. Fosbury had designed a new technique in which the jumper would approach the bar from an angle before pivoting and taking off with his back to the bar. He would then arch his back and land on his shoulders. That year, he went on to win the Gold medal and single handedly changed high jump permanently. Fast forward to four years later, the 1972 Olympics, and over half the contests are using Fosbury’s flop method. Interestingly enough, Fosbury did not qualify for the Olympics that year; instead, becoming an engineer. In the 2000’s, Derek Drouin started his claim to fame. He became internationally recognized in 2016 during the Rio Olympics. Drouin is a Canadian high jumper born out of Ontario. He went on to win gold, being the first Canadian to do so in almost a century. Not just that though, he was the first ever Canadian to win gold using Fosbury’s flop. 60 years after Fosbury invented the flop it is still the predominant technique, will this change as the sport continues to grow and evolve?



The diffident American who pioneered the “Fosbury flop”. (2023, March 25). The Week, 42. 

 Gatehouse, J. (2016, August 29). One giant leap: after winning a bronze medal four years ago, Derek Drouin came to Rio to win gold, and nothing less. Maclean’s, 129(34), 46. 

Break the Fake

I found this article on Popular Science and wanted to figure out its validity. The article is about how in the last 10 years, the seal population has been rapidly increasing to the point where its harming flora which is getting trampled. The seal population has recovered from hunters and is expanding down the Arctic Penninsula. They also discuss solutions to this problem like whether or not human intervention will have a negative impact on both the seals and plants.

This is the article I found and the original one

Saving fur seals may doom Antarctica’s at-risk plants | Popular Science (

What to Do When the Recovery of One Species Puts Another at Risk?


The first thing I did was went on and Media Smarts custom search to see if they had anything relating to the article. I used keywords like ‘seals killing plants’ yet no results came up. This might be because the article is very recent.

The next thing I did was search up ‘Seals killing plants fake”. Once again, I couldn’t find any results pertaining to the article.

I decided to follow the links within the article and found that it was originally published on the Hakai Magazine. The Hakai Magazine publishes articles pertaining to science and has been around since 2015. I found their account on YouTube and it wasn’t verified. I did the same for twitter, but it was verified.

While looking through the original article published by Hakai Magazine I was able to find the link to the actual report of Seals damaging flora due to overpopulation and an expansion of natural habitat.

Within the report, there were links to 140+ references including ones to museums and scientists.

The next step I took was search the website (Hakai Magazine) on Wikipedia to see if there’s results. I found a description similar to what I found online.

After that, I googled the article and went to the news tab to see if others are reporting on the same topic and if they have varying views. I wasn’t able to find any other articles relating to ‘Seals killing plants due to overpopulation’.

I did the same search on to see if there’s articles there. Once again, I didn’t find any.

I would say this article is trustworthy for multiple reasons. One of which being that the website that originally posted this article writes about science. They were also able to give a link to the specific report done on seal overpopulation and the effects on fragile plants. This report also had links from doctors, and museums. Hakai Magazine, was also verified on twitter which verifies that there an actual News website (this does not verify their credibility though). I would say there is enough information to prove that this article is real.