Lachlan’s Blog

Welcome to my blog. I enjoy playing sports specifically soccer and track and field. In my spare time I enjoy reading, listening to music, and video games. In this blog you can learn more about me, my hobbies and interests.


My favourite quote is, “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.” by Samuel Beckett. If find this quote really inspirational as it encourages you to try something again, no matter the outcome until you succeed.


This is my favourite YouTube clip. It is the X Games Big air highlights. I find it very entertaining what they’re able to do on skis. Each year they attempt more daring tricks, so it doesn’t get repetitive.

I chose this picture because think spending time outside is important no matter what you’re doing. This picture also caught my attention with all the greenery and the river.

This is my favourite website because it contains all the information I need about sports, specifically hockey and allows you to compete in Hockey pools.

Fantasy Sports