Data Journalism – Sources of Protein and their Carbon Footprints

For our final digital learning project we had a choice between a few options. I chose Data Journalism, which required us to research and make an infographic on a topic of our choosing. The topic that I chose was ‘Sources of Protein and their Carbon Footprints’. The overall theme of this final project is making the world a better place, so I wanted to look into various sources of protein (types of meat and fishes, Tofu, plant based meats etc.) and compare their carbon footprints when producing the same amount of food. Producing meat, especially beef, creates a lot of greenhouse gas that is extremely harmful to the environment. It is also not very efficient as it takes more amount of food to feed the animals compared to how much food we get back from them. Most people already know this, but either enjoys the taste of meat too much to give it up, or depend on it for their protein. While I don’t plan on making anyone give up meat completely, I did want to show through this project how harmful producing mass amounts of meat is to our environment. Along with alternatives to meat that are relatively better for the environment while still giving us the protein we need.

My infographic, which you can visit here was made using the website CANVA. CANVA has a lot of free graphics and the graphs that were very easy to implement. That being said, personally I feel it lacked some basic features which made it annoying to use at times. For my sources I mainly searched on Google with searches close to the title of my project instead of on any specific database. This is because I found that most databases don’t have the information I was looking for. After compiling all my information from various sites I transferred my information into charts provided by CANVA. Then finally I added some pictures to make my infographic more pleasing to look at. Through this process I learned how to more efficiently compile information and how to present it in a way that makes people want to read it.

Nowadays people generally have a pretty short attention span. So paying attention to the small details is very important to get your story heard. Types of pictures, types of graphs and even the placement of all the information all matter in achieving the most eye catching infographic possible, while also conveying what you want to say quickly. Technology has made this process much easier than before. Whenever I wanted to change or move something it was only a click away, and if I didn’t like the changes I could simply undo it. This allowed me to test out different formats to get my message out in the best way possible. I think about the people who do this as a job and how much easier technology has made it for them. Now data journalists can worry more about gathering the correct information rather than spending time making sure people will want to see their infographic in the first place. Technology has made spreading information faster than ever and has made us more conscience of the world around us. It has made the mundane things easier so we can spend more of our time focusing on the important things.

Hopefully going forward we can all be a bit more mindful of the impact producing some foods have on our environment. Small gestures like having even just one vegetarian meal per week can go a long way into lowering our own personal carbon footprints. After all we only have one earth so we should try our best to protect it.

Abstract Painting Black and White Background Stock Illustration - Illustration of paintings, design: 20243614


Graphics & Background: (Blue and Red Meat Dinner Menu) 

Limitless possibilities of Animation

One of my passions is consuming animated media. That could be anything from animated shorts, films, shows and everything in between. Today I’m going to talk about why I believe animation should be taken as seriously as live action media along with its benefits and advantages.  

When watching an animation one can expect the viewers to suspend their beliefs to some degree. This allows for bizarre and abstract ideas to be taken seriously. Concepts like the laws of physics can be removed to create anything from comedic to emotional moments. In contrast this would be jarring to see in live action as even if we know what is on screen is not real, when seeing a real person our brains will automatically try to make sense of what we are seeing. Personally my brain goes into over analyzing mode and the enjoyment of whatever I am watching is hindered.

Another example is Disney/Pixar animated movies. Most protagonists in their movies are not human, but we can still relate to them because of the way animation can convey emotions just as realistically as an actor acting. 

Another benefit of animation is that it is especially useful in conveying hard to grasp ideas. This is probably why in science class the teachers often play animated videos to help us better understand the concepts.  

Animation also has a timeless feel to it. With live action special effects and camera quality changes a lot even in one year, however changes in the animation industry are less evident and don’t happen as often.  

In the end perhaps the greatest thing about animation is that it is only restricted by the animator’s imagination, which means there are endless possibilities for this medium. 

Black And White Motion Graphics GIFs | Tenor


A.O, S., n.d. Ignoring Laws of Physics As They Run Across Roofs.. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 23 February 2022].

Duan, R., Crosswell, L. and Barber, K., 2021. Animation in Environmental Journalism: Effects on News Perception and Information Seeking. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 23 February 2022].

Niazi, A., 2021. A mighty video, powered by the art of illustration. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 24 February 2022].

Website used to create citations –  

Break the Fake Part 2: Twitch streamer says ‘Mario’ nearly 500,000 times in marathon broadcast

As someone who does not keep up with the news (which I should probably start doing) I was struggling to find something to research for this assignmentEventually this article about a Twitch steamer that said ‘Mario’ nearly 500,000 times in a marathon broadcast caught my eye. Personally, I do not watch Twitch streams, however my sister does so I was intrigued. From what I know marathon streams are not that common as it is a big commitment for the streamers, so I was immediately skeptical. Additionally, aside from the article being fake the stream could be a looped video or something similar, so I thought it was best to check. Below is my process of trying to figure out if this article was real or fake. 

To start went on and plugged in the title of the article into the search engine. There were no results regarding this article, so I moved on to the Media Smarts custom website. 

Nothing came up there either (As seen below), but I kept going. 

Thus far I have yet been able to get a clear answer of whether this article was real or fake, so I decided to check the source of the article. This article came from the website ‘’ which is a magazine part of the company ‘Bustle Digital Group’ or BDG for short. After doing a quick search on Wikipedia I could not find an article about either Input magazine or BDG. That being said ‘Input magazine’ and the journalist that wrote this article both have verified Twitter accounts. 

Now just because they are verified on Twitter does not mean they are trustworthy, so I put the title of the article ithe Google search bar in hopes of finding other articles on the same topic. 

There were 3 pages of results with slight variation on the number of times the streamer said ‘Mario’ but that is understandable. Also, not necessarily a fun fact but a fact is that the article I’m researching about was original titled ‘Twitch streamer says ‘Mario’ nearly 400,000 times in marathon broadcast’ as you can see in the photo because Google has not caught up completely to this change. This fact gives more creditability to the article as we now know it is being updated regularly with updated information. 

Finally, to conclude, because I did not get a lot of information, I am going to use my reasoning abilities to arrive at my final answer. First of all, on the topic of if the steam itself is real or not I believe it is. The steamer Nicro is a relatively small Canadian streamer that does not have much of a reason to fake this. Also, with the rise in cancelling culture (I will not be explaining this in this post) the risk of the internet finding out you faked or lied about something and effectively ending your career is higher than ever. Now regarding if the article is real or fake, I also believe it is. With verified Twitter accounts, regular updates to the article and other websites reporting the same information I believe it is safe to assume that this article is true. 


Bonus: At the end of my research my sister went on Twitch and searched up the stream. Turns out the steam is still going on and at the time of writing this post the streamer is on his 11th day of streaming, around 242 hours in and has said the name ‘Mario’ exactly 700,000 times. In between saying the name ‘Mario’ he occasionally answers or reacts to some comments in the live chat which further proves that the stream is not looped and is really happening.  

Final verdict? The stream and article are real. 



The article

The streamer