English 9 – Independent Novel Study

One of the main projects I did in English 9 was my Independent Novel Study. In this project each student had to first chose and read a novel that was approved by the teacher. Then we were given a list of Core Competencies and instructed to identify them in various ways relating to the characters in our novels. The four ways we had to identify the competencies were: Competencies the characters in our novel demonstrate, competencies both ourselves and the characters in our novel demonstrate, competencies both someone we know and the characters in our novel demonstrate, and competencies both characters from other media and the characters in our novel demonstrate. After identifying the competencies demonstrated by the characters or real people we had to elaborate on why we believe that they demonstrate these competencies. To do this we would further explain our thoughts and use quotes or state events that has happened to support our points. For the latter three we had to additionally state who demonstrates the competencies better.

I think like most people the higher quality my work is the more proud of it I will be. As stated in a previous post (See referenced post here), the quality of my work and my enjoyment often go hand in hand, which is one of the main reasons why I am proud of this project. Personally I like to watch analyses of characters or even analyze characters myself already. In doing so I can see any nuances that the creators put into the characters which I missed at first glance. So naturally doing this project was quite fun for me. Also I got to choose my own book, work on the project in my own time in the span of a few months, and choose from a large group of characters to analyze and compare. In other words this project gave me a lot of freedom, which I believe improved the quality of work I was able to provide as well.

Children of Blood and Bone Audiobook by Tomi Adeyemi - 9781529000559 | Rakuten Kobo

Below is an example of one of my entries for this project:

Fourth entry – Valuing diversity 

(They can explain when something is unfair) 

Zélie Adebola, the protagonist of the story can explain when something is unfair. Being a part of a marginalized group, it is no wonder that she empathizes with those who are similarly in unfortunate situations or are discriminated against. One instance in which she shows this behavior is when Tomi Adeyemi writes, “‘We can afford it,’…’But they can’t!’ She points at the laborers” (199). Despite not being personally affected by the ridiculous amount of money charged for only one cup of water, Zélie is visibly upset on behalf of the people who are affected, and she is not afraid of voicing her opinions. She then proceeds to show through her actions that she truly cares and would not stand for this injustice when Tomi Adeyemi writes, “…she passes the canteen down to the divîner shackled in front of her”(200). It is important that Zélie demonstrates this competency, as it is her dislike of inequity that drives her to fight against the monarchy and their corruption. Ergo it should come as no surprise when one says that Zélie Adebola can explain when something is unfair.

Communication 9 – Projet le racisme (Racism project)

My communications 9 class was reading a book called “Le Racisme expliqué à ma fille”. After finishing the book, we were split into groups of three and had to create a presentation based on the topics explored in the book. First, we thought of a complex question which is what we based the rest of our presentation on. Then we split what each person was doing and started writing our scripts. In our scripts we each explored aspects of the question and gave our own thoughts on the topic. Finally, we presented our project. Some other requirements of this project were that we had to include at least one link of our complex question to our own lives and two citations from the book.  

This is the project I am the proudest of so far (As of the first half of the first semester of) and the one I enjoyed working on the most. Personally, I find the two go hand in hand. The more I enjoy something the more effort I am willing to put into it, thus the prouder I will be of that project. I had an adequate amount of time to prepare and discuss with my teammates on our course of action, so I was not extremely stressed. At the same time though I did not have time to work on the project after school, so I had to be very productive during the time given in class. In the end it was a standard presentation. It went well but nothing mind blowing happenedAs someone who doesn’t like standing out but still wants to get good grades though…I couldn’t have asked for anything better. 

Version Française:

Ma classe de communication 9 a lu un livre qui s’appelle “Le Racisme expliqué à ma fille”. Après avoir terminé le livre, nous avons été divisés en groupes de trois et nous devions créer une présentation basée sur les sujets explorés dans le livre. Tout d’abord, nous avons réfléchi à une question complexe, sur laquelle nous avons basé le reste de notre présentation. Ensuite, nous avons séparé ce que chaque personne faisait et nous avons commencé à écrire nos scripts. Dans nos scripts, nous avons chacun exploré des aspects de la question et donné notre propre avis sur le sujet. Enfin, nous avons présenté notre projet. D’autres exigences de ce projet étaient que nous devions inclure au moins un lien de notre question complexe à nos propres vies et deux citations du livre.

Ce projet est celui dont je suis le plus fier jusqu’à maintenant et celui sur lequel j’ai eu le plus de plaisir à travailler. Personnellement, je trouve que les deux vont de pair. Plus j’aime quelque chose, plus je suis prêt à y mettre du mien, et donc plus je suis fier de ce projet. J’ai eu assez de temps pour me préparer et discuter avec mes camarades de notre plan d’action, je n’étais donc pas très stressé. En même temps, je n’avais pas le temps de travailler sur le projet après l’école, donc j’ai dû être très productif pendant le temps donné en classe. Au final, il s’agissait d’une présentation standard. Tout s’est bien passé, mais rien d’extraordinaire. Pour quelqu’un qui n’aime pas se faire remarquer mais qui veut quand même obtenir de bonnes notes- je n’aurais pas pu demander un scénario plus mieux.