Reflection of Core Competencies – Grade 11 Semester 2

Below are my refelctions on the development of my core competencies over this semester.


I can absorb, understand and present information.  

I can participate and collaborate with others.                 

While reading “Incendie” in French 11 I was able to understand its contents well and analyze certain citations and themes when applicable. I was also able to share my thoughts on the book through the discussion questions after each chapter, demonstrating my understanding and building on the ideas of my classmates. 


I can form judgements based on proof or ideas.  

I can develop my ideas.                   

During Perspective Mondiale 11 we had many discussions in class in which I bounced many ideas off my peers but also formed many of my own opinions based on the information given by the presenters/leaders of the discussion, In addition, I could further develop these opinions and ideas in our reflection essays incorporating somethings previously discussed ad well as adding some newly researched points as well. 

Personal and Social Responsibilities 

I can contribute to the community of the class and the school.  

I can share and defend my ideas.  

I understand that my identity is composed of many aspects.                  

In class, in general, I try my best to participate and ask questions which could benefit me and my classmates. When sharing my ideas and predictions in my science classes this semester (Bio 12 and Chem 11) I can defend my thinking and back my ideas up with evidence and knowledge I already have on the subject. Additionally, I understand that my identity is composed of many aspects in which one includes my identity as a cadet. I have been in this program for 5 years now and over the years it has become a big part of my life. Over time, I recognize the impact this program has had on my life through how I make decisions or do certain actions, and I welcome the positive influence it has had on me. 




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