November 3

Take Our Kids to Work Day (TOKTWD) 2022

Hi! Today I went to work with my mother on TOKTWD. She is a physiotherapist and has her own clinic in city of Surrey. In the clinic they provide services like

Physiotherapy, Chiropractic, Active Rehabilitaion, Acupuncture and Registered Massage Therapy

My Mother treats patients with

  • Sports Injuries
  • Hand therapy in conditions such as trigger finger and Carpal tunnel syndrome – CTS
  • Tears in the rotator cuff, lower or upper back pain and TMJ
  •   She also helps patients to restore, maintain, and make the most of a patient’s mobility, function, and well-being. She helps Patients through physical rehabilitation, injury prevention, and health and fitness.
  •  Injuries to Musculoskeletal systems

Things that I heard, saw, smelled and felt in the work environment 

What I heard in the clinic was when every single patient enters the door, they great by saying how can I help you today and ask the patients what kind of services they are there for and I also heard them informing the therapist about the patient’s arrival.

When the phone call in the reception rings after receiving the call, they the receptionist greet the patients by saying   “Good morning Revive wellness how may I help you “. 

What I saw in the clinic are the followings

  • Flow of patients in and out of the clinic.
  • Massage therapists making beds for patients.
  •  Kinesiologist doing active rehabilitation (exercise) for the patients.
  • Physiotherapist teaching home exercise programs to patients.
  •  Volunteers helping in arranging files and cabinets

What I smelled in the clinic was like lavenders and blech in the laundry area the smell was clean wash clothes specially felt while folding the laundry overall clinic had a good smell.




Something about the work environment that would motivate me to attend work every day:

The thing that motivates is that I can help people and create a better environment and I can work with others. I can try new things and find people like me who might have similar ways of dealing with the work and to be the best at what I do, the satisfaction after completing a difficult task, and the desire to leave a legacy behind.








Posted November 3, 2022 by Kamakshya in category Uncategorized

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