October 26

Guidelines for Commeting on my Blog

Hi there. Thanks for visiting my blog. I hope you found something interesting and learned some things about me. In this post, I will be going over some of my guidelines that I wish commenters to follow when commenting on my blog.

Comments are very important. They are other people’s opinions, and you can take their feedback into account to help yourself be more aware of the things you are strong at and need more improvement on. This doesn’t mean you can just comment whatever you want to though, comments still require some etiquette. Here, I will be listing a few rules I hope you’ll follow for commenting on my Edu blog.

  • No spams, rude/harassing comments, inappropriate topics, etc.
    • I personally want my comments to be kind and positive. I want people’s thoughts on my blogs such as giving me feedback on my topic/content or suggesting ideas that I could do for my future posts.
  • Actually, reading the posts before you comment, I suggest you actually read the post, so you know what it’s about and responding based on around the topic of posts. I do not want comments that’s a different topic from my post.
  • Give your own opinion, don’t be afraid to disagree, everyone has their own opinions.
    • I expect that some of you might disagree or have different opinions on the topic of my post, and I don’t mind because I like to see how other people view the world and maybe I can get some inspiration from them.
  • Feel free to ask me questions if you have any
    • If you have any questions, concerns, thoughts, please feel free to ask me anything you want, and I would try to answer them to the best ability I can.
    • Example of My comment
    • Comment: Hi Kamakshya I really like the way you write your blog they are so organized, but I would like to know what your hobbies are.  Thank you have a nice day.

Posted October 26, 2022 by Kamakshya in category Uncategorized

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