DL Information Fluency

Sports is changing at a rapid pace at the moment. Ever since we had technology people have been using statistics for many things to improve and find errors. But what if people used it in sports to make the best plays, have the best team, or what the other team might do? For example, in basketball, the three point has become a very essential part of the game. Being the best three-point shooting team is way more efficient and stronger then the best two-point shooting team. This is not just in sports, it impacts our daily lives too. CEOs could be using these statistics to their advantage by hiring the best people and buying and selling different things that a lot of people want. Or it could be used to improve our live at the same time. For example, traffic has been a big problem ever since we started to drive in cars, so what if people used statistics to make a more efficient road for cars so that people don’t haver to deal with traffic jams. In conclusion, sports could be turning into some sort of real life video game. You get artificial intelligence to buy players with good stats to make the best team ever and all sports will be going through this at one point.



What? (Cut & paste/paraphrasing, APA reference)  So What? (My ideas, questions, connections, etc.) 
Thus, the Warriors’ winning edge: being a top three-point shooting team is more efficient than being a top two-point shooting team, an argument basketball analysts have been making for years. Now the game of basketball, embracing threepoint shooting like never before, has caught up with its theorists.  This changes how teams will pick drafts and how teams will play in the future. They will try and shoot more threes in a game than usual and eventually it will become the norm. 

This type of analysis was not on anyone’s radar a few years ago, before daily fantasy sports became a big business, but sportsanalytics and the SSAC keep producing surprises. We may not know where sportsanalytics will be a decade from now, Morey said at SSAC’s opening session, but one thing seems sure: “I do know that what’s next is here.” 


Sports could be turning into a computer game in a decade from now. You buy players, use some sort of ai generator to make the best team and you don’t have to do anything else.  



DIZIKES, PETER. 2016. “How Statistical Analytics Has Changed Sports.” USA Today Magazine 144 (2852): 46–47. https://search-ebscohost-com.bc.idm.oclc.org/login.aspx?direct=true&db=aph&AN=115561400&site=ehost-live. 



Dizikes, P. (2016, May). How statistical analytics has changed sports. USA Today, 144(2852), 46+. https://link-gale-com.bc.idm.oclc.org/apps/doc/A454361978/GPS?u=bcdc&sid=bookmark-GPS&xid=f92621d0   

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