Core Competency Self-Assessment

In Info Tech, I did a learning unit about how to make proper Power Points and the information on these projects would be about one country of your choice. We were able to demonstrate communication by going up in front of the class the present our projects in hopefully a way that was able to engage our classmates, so they weren’t bored and were able to learn about the country we presented about. In addition, we were also told to try to look at the audience instead just our presentations as well. For this project, we also showed creative thinking by trying to make that Power Point more visually interesting and appealing using the skills that we learned such as animation and utilizing 3D objects since that was the whole point of our unit to begin with.

In my communications class, I believe I was able to grow my confidence in presenting a lot more. Previously, especially in elementary school, because of the fact that we were almost never required to present any sort of project in front of our class, I never volunteered to do so. In addition, whenever we were told to do so, we were often in groups of two or more and doing it in front of other students that we’ve known for years, which made the whole experience a little les nerve-racking. In communications, we had to create and present things like Power Points in front of the class sometimes one a week and I was really able to not worry as much when I had to step in front of the class, even by myself to present. I’m happy I was able to find an obvious difference in how nervous I was about to present at the start of the semester compared to now, when we’re almost done with the grade. Though most classes that are taught in French rarely make it to my top favourites, I’m happy that this was one of the classes taught since it was really able to boost my confidence in presenting.

As for goals, I’d like to increase my participation in class and even if I’m uncertain about whether I’m right and still raise my hand to see. It’s something I have a lot of difficulty with but I think that like presenting in front of the class, the more I do it and “practice”, the more confident I can feel continuing to do so in the future. It’s also unfortunately something that appears on my report card a lot.


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