Thank you for visiting my blog. Please be thoughtful and considerate when you are commenting on my work. I’m outlining some guidelines to help you with your comments.
- Comments should be at least 2-5 sentences, not less.
- I believe that any thoughtful comments should be longer than one simple sentence. Please be specific on what you thought of my work.
- Read the article. Read all the comments. Be part of the full discussion.
- No one should be commenting on other people’s work unless they review the entire work. Please read the whole article before you comment.
- Use comments to show what you think is important, interesting, controversial, thoughtful.
- I welcome any constructive feedback so that I can improve and share better work with my readers. Also, I would love to generate discussion with my readers about my work.
- Treat people the way you want to be treated.
- If you can’t say the same comment to me in person, you should not be writing it on my blog.
Sample: My blog post on skateboard tricks
“Hey Jason, thank you for sharing these tips. Your post was quite helpful and amazing! You are good at describing stuff. Would you be able to share more advanced tricks in your nest post?”