Self Reflection – Core Competencies


In Foods 12, I have been demonstrated my growth in my communication skills through doing labs in a group. During labs, my partners and I communicate our ideas and our different approaches to cooking and preparing foods. I have grown this year by needing to communicate with my peers efficiently and clearly under pressure and a time limit during labs.  These labs have helped me work develop and transform and further develop our ideas. This helps developing my communication skills because I learn to be able to tell my peers what needs to be completed, and I learn to listen and process the information from my peers and understand their ideas and instructions. Next, I will work on learning to make deeper connections with my peers because this competency is important for developing relationships with my peers in school and form new and unique

Self Evaluation

Communication Creative Thinking Social Responsibility
I demonstrated my ability to communicate with my family. A large part of my family is not fluent in English, so I must overcome a language barrier to speak to them. This demonstrates how I can share my ideas, thoughts, and feelings. Although I am not fluent in Korean, I study to improve so I can talk more fluently with them. In Drama 10, I was able to demonstrate and improve my creative thinking. In our projects, I had to come up with creative ways to interpret scripts and how to bring the show and character to life. For example, in one of my shows, I had to find a way to be my character, who wanted to be comforted by her friend after a bad date. To be able to make decisions about my character and her choices, I had to think creatively about her personality and find other creative ways to represent her in her scenario. I can solve problems and conflicts peacefully and build relationships with other people around me. When a problem arises among my peers, I can mediate the problem and comfort both. When I have a problem with another person, I can control myself and not furthering the problem. For example, when someone asks me for advice, I help them mediate the situation to not hurt both of them and find out who was in the wrong.


Fast Fashion

The overall topic of my project was fast fashion and the environmental impact it left on the world. The goal of my project was the learn about the dangers of fast fashion, what it was and how we can stop it. I wanted to research about the harm it does and how we contribute to the harm.

I used dataset sites, articles and a proposed waste management document made for raising awareness about the disposal of our clothes and fast fashion. These sources were extremely informative and useful for learning about how to analyze through heaps of information and taught me a lot about our wastefulness and lack of knowledge of what happens to our clothes before they come to stores and what happens after we throw them out.


Using these sites has impacted my understanding of how technology can change the world because all the information is very easily accessible for everyone to see, if they know where to look. This can change and help the world because we can educate ourselves unlike before, everything we need to know to improve our understanding on such major issues like fast fashion is just a couple of clicks away.



cycles, T. text provides general information S. assumes no liability for the information given being complete or correct D. to varying update, & Text, S. C. D. M. up-to-Date D. T. R. in the. (n.d.). Topic: Fast fashion in Europe. Statista.


‌ Remy, N., Speelman, E., & Swartz, S. (2016, October 20). Style that’s sustainable: A new fast-fashion formula | McKinsey.


Archaeology Ethics – What is Wrong and Right?

Personally, I’m very big on archaeology, I love reading articles and watching documentaries about archaeology. Digging up fossils, artefacts, ruins, tombs, and all! But is it really ok for us to be digging up old ruins and taking the relics with us for research purposes? What about the people it belongs to?

Firstly, I think it’s hard to say, we should do this and we can’t do this. Because everyone has different thoughts on how we excavate and discover. For example, in an article I read, called “Can you still dig it? Ethics and archaeology” published in 2002 by Economist Intelligence Unit N.A. Incorporated, Dr. Mark Lynott says, “I look at objects in the British Museum, think about how they were removed, and think that’s really horrible,” says Dr Lynott. “But had they not been removed at that time, they might not be available for study today.” Though it has been over two decades since, I don’t entirely agree with what he says. I do think he’s right, it is horrible that the artefacts in the British Museum has been stolen, but I can’t justify it with the studying availability of the artefact. I personally believe that in order to excavate and properly study archaeological sites, archaeologists must not only dig and take the artefacts and inspect the ruins, but also restore the site and artefact, in order to preserve the history. I do not think it’s okay to take the artefacts, I believe they must be put back, because that makes archaeologists glorified looters, who justify their reasons with research. I especially believe this to be true with tombs, I find it incredibly disrespectful to the dead who have had their tombs raided or been taken out to be put on display. What can I say? I dig being morally ethic when excavating bones.


Article mentioned:

Can you dig it? (2002, March 28). The Economist.


Break the Fake – can vaccines really cause autism?

On Twitter, I found a tweet about the link between vaccines and autism.

And that got me curious, could they really be linked? If so, what causes it? If not, why do people think they’re linked?

  1. I checked snopes, a fact checker website, and vaccines and autism are not related.

But, the user followed up with multiple articles showing studies that prove that more and more babies have been diagnosed with autism. So I visited the sites, which were all from the United States National Library of Medicine.


2. After checking their sources, I confirmed that it was a legit website by checking their Wikipedia page.


3. But I still wasn’t convinced, so I searched up the author of the article and their source of information.

The author of the article, Gayle Delong had been proven to spread false information on the internet. She was a professor in the finance department at Baruch College in New York and had no experience in science.


4. I then checked other sources.

I searched up “Gayle Delong” which gave me articles written about her spreading false information. After, I searched up “autism and vaccine link” and they all concluded with that that, vaccines do not cause autism.


5. An extra step

After my research, I asked other people what they thought, and they all believe that vaccines do not cause autism. Still curious, I dug a little bit into why and I learnt that yes, there are more people getting diagnosed with autism, but no, not from a vaccine. In fact, the research I found shows that it isn’t that there are more autistic people, but more people are getting a properly diagnosed and genetics.


Thank you for reading this post, stay safe and don’t get sick!

TOKTWD at: Banting Middle School

Today, I visited Banting Middle School for TOKTWD (take our kids to work day)!

(Inside the Banting gymnasium while the teachers explained part of a project, 12:22~)

I followed mainly four teachers around the school, observing and lending them a hand. I spent most of my day wandering between classes and helping the teachers with kids, or running quick errands.


  • What about the environment would motivate you to wake up every day to attend work?
    • The things that would motivate me the most to wake up and get ready to attend work are that I could spend my day with younger kids, who think and act in immature yet fun ways. I had plenty of fun spending the day helping others out, with math and running an leisurely errand for a teacher.


  •  What about the environment would discourage you from waking up every day to attend work?
    • The thing that would discourage me the most from waking up every day to attend work would be that school is very chaotic. There are people who need constant attention and those who are causing a ruckus and being loud. To have to repeat that five days a week is impressive. Nearing the end of school, I felt exhausted and excited to go home and relax.


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  • Off-Topic Discussion.
    • Comments must be relevant to the post, comments are supposed to be about the thing I have posted, it is not a chat room for others to use for leisurely purposes.
  • Writing a spammy comment.
    • Please do not spam! It is disrespectful and annoying to me and others.
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    • While commenting, use a way which you’d be okay with someone telling you the same thing. Everyone deserves to be treated nicely!
  • Be civil and polite while commenting.
    • Use your manners and be respectful. Profanity or negative comments will not be tolerated.


Example: A post on unique architecture.

“Hey Jamie, your thoughts on this building is very interesting! I loved reading about your opinion and what you like and dislike. Though I don’t completely agree, I totally see why you think that! Reading your post was so fun.”