Personally, I’m very big on archaeology, I love reading articles and watching documentaries about archaeology. Digging up fossils, artefacts, ruins, tombs, and all! But is it really ok for us to be digging up old ruins and taking the relics with us for research purposes? What about the people it belongs to?
Firstly, I think it’s hard to say, we should do this and we can’t do this. Because everyone has different thoughts on how we excavate and discover. For example, in an article I read, called “Can you still dig it? Ethics and archaeology” published in 2002 by Economist Intelligence Unit N.A. Incorporated, Dr. Mark Lynott says, “I look at objects in the British Museum, think about how they were removed, and think that’s really horrible,” says Dr Lynott. “But had they not been removed at that time, they might not be available for study today.” Though it has been over two decades since, I don’t entirely agree with what he says. I do think he’s right, it is horrible that the artefacts in the British Museum has been stolen, but I can’t justify it with the studying availability of the artefact. I personally believe that in order to excavate and properly study archaeological sites, archaeologists must not only dig and take the artefacts and inspect the ruins, but also restore the site and artefact, in order to preserve the history. I do not think it’s okay to take the artefacts, I believe they must be put back, because that makes archaeologists glorified looters, who justify their reasons with research. I especially believe this to be true with tombs, I find it incredibly disrespectful to the dead who have had their tombs raided or been taken out to be put on display. What can I say? I dig being morally ethic when excavating bones.
Article mentioned:
Can you dig it? (2002, March 28). The Economist.