Please be wary of what you say on my blog. Below are some guidelines I have made to ensure your comments are appropriate.
- Off-Topic Discussion.
- Comments must be relevant to the post, comments are supposed to be about the thing I have posted, it is not a chat room for others to use for leisurely purposes.
- Writing a spammy comment.
- Please do not spam! It is disrespectful and annoying to me and others.
- Treat others the way you want to be treated.
- While commenting, use a way which you’d be okay with someone telling you the same thing. Everyone deserves to be treated nicely!
- Be civil and polite while commenting.
- Use your manners and be respectful. Profanity or negative comments will not be tolerated.
Example: A post on unique architecture.
“Hey Jamie, your thoughts on this building is very interesting! I loved reading about your opinion and what you like and dislike. Though I don’t completely agree, I totally see why you think that! Reading your post was so fun.”