The main core competency I have used, and developed this year definitely falls under personal awareness and responsibility. In my fitness, and conditioning class this year I showed very strong self determination. I showed up to class as much as possible, and made the most out of every block working out till the end of the period. I created a training split, and took it very seriously to always stay on the regimen, and not slack. Some days I was very tired, and unmotivated, but I made sure to always stay disciplined by thinking about the future, and my goals of gaining strength, and size in the gym. I feel that my sucess in this class is all thanks to my self determination, and without it I would not have seen even close to the amount of progress I have made this semester. Overall I am very happy with how this class went, and feel very achieved.
In biology I also showed self determination in many situations. Whenever I felt tired or unmotivated after a long day, I would always be sure to review my notes, and all the material we went over in class that day. I would do this in preparation for tests, knowing tat if I learned the material early, it would be that much easier to fully grasp it when the big tests come around. I also showed self determination when we did dissections in biology. Often it would make me feel really sick, and grossed out to have to dissect the animal, but I learned to push through, and do my part in order to better understand the systems of the body.