Guidelines for commenting on my blog

Thank you for coming to my blog. Here are some guidelines for commenting on my blog.

  • Do not use obscene or offensive language. Be respectful. You shouldn’t post or use any words that could be considered violent, insulting, threatening, or harassing. You should think before you comment on my any of my work. Don’t offend anyone, thoughtful thoughts would be better.
  • Tell the truth. Don’t post or share any material that are false rumours. Do not accuse anyone randomly. Tell the truth instead of lying don’t make things complicated.
  • Do not steal. You should not post material without the right of others consent. Do not copyright or share private information. Always ask the owner for permission.
  • Don’t misrepresent yourself as someone else. Don’t identify yourself as someone you’re not. Do not trick someone into thinking you’re someone else. Don’t be fake, always tell the truth.

Sample: My blog on origami.

“Hey Isabella! Loved your video. Thank you for sharing on how to make origami. It was easy to understand and you didn’t go too fast. It was helpful and amazing!