Data Journalism – Water Pollution

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  1. My overall topic of this project is about water pollution. The goal of my project is so that it explains how much negative effects water pollution makes in the world as well human beings and even animals. In addition, for the datas to be easily understood and well explains the importance and what it does. 
  2. The site companies I used was Harvard University, Clean Water Action, Visual Capitalist, and The World Counts. One of the things I learned about it was that I had no idea that the countries that had the top ocean plastic wastes would be those countries, there were even countries I have never heard of and it’s just surprising that they have the top ocean wastes in the world. 
  3. These sites impacted my understanding about this topic because the data they showed make me comprehend better and take it more serious of how much water pollution damages the world, and just in the general the information was easy to understand which was also helpful but at the same time gave good information. 

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