How do beliefs and values impact my everyday life?
I have always known beliefs and values have made an impact, but until researching this topic, I had no idea how much of an impact they really made, (almost every move we make).
Hiding your personal beliefs and values can make a huge impact on the way people see you as a person. I personally find that making new friends or talking to people is easier when you share your beliefs and values first. Your beliefs and values also have a huge impact on your work, whether that’s a school project or a drawing made at home, everything you do is impacted by your beliefs and values. A question I had was; will a person that stands for nothing fall for everything? While doing research I thought: yes, because a person that goes with the flow and doesn’t take into consideration what they value or believe, they will simply just agree to everything anyone says or thinks and not speak their mind. Your values and beliefs are also impacted by your passions and what you enjoy, values and beliefs can also be based on religion or culture as well. I also chose this topic because I am passionate about what I believe and value.
In conclusion, everything humans do is affected by what we value and what/how we believe but we don’t always think about it or realize it.
Thanks for reading 🙂