About Me



My name is Hailey and I’m a Grade 9 student at Dr. Charles Best Secondary. I like to play the guitar and the piano, and I also enjoy swimming in my free time. In this blog, I will be sharing some interesting things about me and some Highschool experiences.


My Favorite Quote

The future belongs to those who prepare for it today. - Malcolm X

I chose this quote because it emphasizes the importance of preparing for the future and motivates me to be productive every day to achieve my goals.


My Favorite YouTube Clip

This is my favorite YouTube clip, because through this video, I realized the vastness of this universe and therefore how small we are compared to it. For this reason, I think we should always be humble and help others.


A Picture that has Impacted Me

This is a picture of Joffre Lake taken by myself. This picture is very meaningful because it was a very new experience for me. And the view of the lake I saw after hiking the 10km course taught me that there is light at the end of the tunnel.







My Favorite Website


Pinterest is my favorite website because I can find some great ideas and inspiration.