Core Competencies

As a peer tutor, I must use communication daily to help the students in the classroom. For example, I need to explain assignments and instructions. Students use devices daily in the class (it is CLE 10), so explaining how to upload assignments to OneDrive and other technology related questions is important. Additionally, I needed to teach a lesson and explain the instructions for various activities. Communication is also needed in my Perspectives Mondial class, since it’s heavily based on written work and presentations. I need to ensure I’m using clear communication to get my ideas across.

Critical Thinking
One of the assignments in my Français Langue et Culture class is to choose a culture influenced by France, then present it. While watching other group’s presentations, I create connections between myself and these cultures, and reflect on my values and perspectives on the world.

Personal Awareness & Responsibility
Taking Pre-Calculus  11 online forces me to have personal awareness and responsibility to keep up with the class. I need to push myself to complete classes and assignments, and go out of my way to ask for help or clarification when needed. Self-regulation and personal responsibility are key to complete this course. Although math has always been a class I’ve struggled with, I’ve found that taking it online gives me more of a chance to understand the material before moving on to the next topic/unit. Additionally, I’ve started creating to-do lists to help me manage my time, which I create throughout the school day. I have multiple after-school classes, so time management is key. I create one large bullet, then break it up into smaller chunks to complete throughout the day. Thanks to this, I am able to stay on top of my work and prioritize the most urgent assignments.

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