About Me

Hey, I’m Gianluca and this is my all about me edublog! I like to play soccer a lot, watch tik tok, and I also like to hangout with my friends whenever I can. I like going to Penticton in the summer with my family every year, I also love going to Oregon, Lincoln City, every year as well with my family and family friends, smelling the beach and just being at the beach makes me feel at home. My favorite food is pasta, to be specific I like gnocchi the most, especially when my mom makes it for me. I really want to visit Greece, Italy, Spain, and I want to visit the Netherlands close by the water especially, I also want to visit Paris too see the Eiffel tower and go on it. Thanks for reading my edublog!


My Favorite Quote: “Talent without work is nothing. Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn’t work hard.” – Cristiano Ronaldo

This is one of my favorite quotes because it speaks on how even if you have talent you always need to work hard.

My Favorite You tube Clip: https://www.google.com/search?q=ronaldinho+hitting+cross+bar+over+andover+again&oq=ronaldinho+hitting+cross+bar+over+andover+again&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIJCAEQIRgKGKABMgkIAhAhGAoYoAEyCQgDECEYChigATIJCAQQIRgKGKABMgkIBRAhGAoYoAHSAQkxNTExMWowajeoAgCwAgA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:77a49c81,vid:FRWn-1nItcM,st:0

Go to minute 1:28 to minute 2:10 of Ronaldinho hitting the cross bar with immense skill and patience. 

A Picture that Impacts me: 

This picture of Ronaldo was by far one of his best goals he ever scored in his whole career and was the tip of his iceberg during his ‘prime.’

My Favorite Website: https: https://www.espn.com/ 

Is my favorite website because it gives me all the scores to all the games I want to watch and see.