For take your kid to work day I was able too accompany my father to his work place. We went to ICBC’s head office in North Vancouver, where they were hosting a tour and seminar for all the 9th graders that attended work that day. The seminar was healed in their secondary conference room, and many speakers from different departments came to talk to the group. My personal favourite presentation was that of the DL- Road test department. They spoke about road safety and gave insight to statistics on BC drivers. at the end of the presentation the speaker brought goggles that simulated alcohol in pared drivers. The student then took turns putting on the goggles and trying to walk in a straight line. Without a doubt the goggles brought some difficulty in walking as many tripped, and few fell over. After all the presentations we were taken on a tour of the building, getting to see the; printing room, IT offices, monitor room, and the mailing room. We then returned to our parents to job shadow them for the rest of the time.

- What did you hear, see, smell, and feel in the work environment on Nov. 1st?
It did not take long for my senses to be captivated by the workplace. On the way to the building, I could smell the salt water from the Burrard inlet. As we left to walk around the peers on lunch break, I was able to hear the waves crash against the rocks along the peer as well. During the tour of the building, I got to see the IT service room. It was loud and cold in there as they had the fans for the monitors blowing and cooled down ventilated floors to keep the computers and monitors from overheating.
- What about the environment would motivate you to wake up every day to attend work?
The head office in North Vancouver is right beside the ocean, bringing a beautiful view if you were to look out the window. Right beside the building is a peer, with many seafood venders, and small stores where you can grab some street food. On the very bottom floor there is a workout gym. This would motivate me the most to wake up every day to go to work, because I can exercise before I officially start my hours. ICBC built this workout gym to do such, giving their employees a free area to exercise makes them more eager to attend the office, instead of working from home.
- What about the work environment would discourage you from waking up every day to attend work?
Because the head office is all the way in North Vancouver it makes it difficult for employees to commute. Today it took 1 hour 15 minutes just to get past all the traffic on the roads, this would discourage me a lot if I were the one to make this journey every single day.
- What is ONE thing you found interesting about your workplace visit?
Although ICBC is known for handling insurance claims and services, along with drivers licensing, the government corporation has many more jobs and departments. I learned that ICBC works with chiropractors, physiotherapist, auto body shops and much more. However, the onsite departments I found most interesting are; the printing/ mailing department, and the editing/recording studio. Through the tour ICBC gave the group of ninth graders they talk about how to issue checks, the process they used to do it, and how mailing them out is carried out. The group was able to take a quick look at the green screen studio and the editing studio. Inside the head office many of ICBC’s YouTube videos are shot and recorded.