Female Representation in Hockey – Final Assignment

Female Representation in hockey has always been an interesting topic to me for many years. Ever since I started playing hockey at a young age, I’ve met quite a few other kids who play hockey as well; however, most of those kids were boys. This led me to think about the female representation in hockey, or the lack there of. So, for this final Digital Learning 10 assignment, I have researched the registration statistics of female and male hockey players starting from the year 2018 all the way to 2022, and pulled information from raw data to determine if female hockey is in fact becoming more popular.

The overall goal of my project was to determine wether or not female hockey is increasing in popularity and representation, and if it will continue to do so over the next couple of years. While researching about female hockey registration, I also came upon various male hockey registration statistics and decided to compare them to the female statistics and see how the two have changed over time. In the end, I determined that female hockey is slowly, yet noticeably increasing in popularity as more and more female hockey players all over BC are registering every year. On the other hand, male hockey registrations seem to be steadily decreasing which may contribute to female hockey’s increase in representation.

After collecting various statistics from multiple PDF’s of Hockey BC’s annual reports, I then turned to Excel on Office365. I converted the PDF’s to Excel files, then pulled different statistics from each file to create my own table of data. Then, using formulas and other Excel tools, I found percentages and totals of different statistics that I wanted to analyse. In the end, I acquired many new skills for navigating Excel files and now I am able to create and edit existing and new files with certainty.

After learning how to use Excel, and sourcing various documents from Hockey BC, I have acquired a new appreciation for how much technology can change and help the world. With just a few clicks of a button, I can pull hundreds of statistics from raw data snd use them to explain reasoning behind different points of views. With just a bit of information gathered over a few years of experience, I can interpret what I want to explain to the public, and teach them about different topics that may change the world for the better. Technology is a powerful weapon that I believe we should use for the better to help change the world, and I can’t wait to learn more about it in the future!


Here is the link to the PDF version of the post, if the original post is difficult to read.

Female Representation in Hockey-2


Resources – PDF’s and Excel Files (Not included on the project due to lack of space)

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