Take Our Kids to Work Day (TOKTWD)

Hello everyone! Today I will be sharing some of my adventures from take our kids to work day. I had an amazing experience spending time with the grade ones in my old elementary school, as well as helping out with jobs in the library! Thanks to my neighbour, Bekah, I was able to catch a glimpse of what my future may look like, as I’ve always wanted to be an elementary school teacher. Below, I have posted a photo of me in the library, as well as a couple answers to some questions describing my experience.

Above is a picture of me and my neighbour (the librarian) and the other two grade 9’s there for the day. We are all in the library.

Above is a picture of me reading a book with one of the students I worked with today.



  • What about the environment would motivate you to wake up every day to attend work?

The joy and happiness I receive when spending time with younger kids has always been apparent to me. When I was walking down the hallways and reading to kids in the colourful, vibrant classrooms of my old elementary school, I felt reassured that that is what I want to be when I grow up. Of course, there will be hard days where waking up everyday to attend work doesn’t sound like the greatest thing to do, but all the other days, I will be excited to pass on knowledge to the future generations of our world! Knowing that I will be able to spend time with fun and joyful kids each day, as well as teach them some valuable life lessons that may stay with them for a while, will motivate my to wake up everyday and go to work.

  • What did you hear, see, smell, and feel in the work environment on Nov. 2nd? 

As many of you know, the feeling of an elementary school is quite different in comparison to a high school environment. The bright, vibrant colours of the posters covering every centimetre of the walls bring a sense of happiness and youthfulness to your soul. The smiles you see on every kid’s face as you read an elephant and piggy book to them warms your heart in an instant. The sounds of shrieks, squeals and laughter in the classroom fills your mind with the thought that this is a safe, kind, and amazing place to spend your time in. To me, an elementary school is a great place to be if you feel the need to rejuvenate your senses.

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