How do you handle different perspectives than your own, or disagreements?
I listen to everyone’s perspectives, and I do not disagree with what people have to say. For example, if I did a project and someone had a different way of thinking I would accept what they would have to say.
What is the purpose of collaboration?
To be more social in life and be able to cooperate with others in situations like fixing a car or problem solving a puzzle. Being able to accept the differences between everyone in the world. Collaborating with others creates more ideas because one person does not have enough knowledge to create many ideas in other words more creativity. Working together makes the process of things more efficient as in sharing problems with one another. Also making friends while collaborating because you need to communicate with each other which makes people more closer.
What does effective group work look like?
Communication between people and talking to each other with respect and have some arguments about ideas so that they can create a great plan. They also do not exclude ideas and do not waste time on playing games. Effective group work looks like talking and actively working. Trust and respect among group members makes it easier to work together. When people trust each other, they feel more comfortable talking to one another, sharing ideas, and having say what they do not like. Respect for each other helps people elaborate more with their ideas.
How are you an active listener and speaker?
I am an ok active speaker, but I listen with all the respect I have. I am an ok active speaker because sometimes I cannot think of any connections for others’ ideas.
How do I make connections between my ideas and others’ ideas?
I listen to what people say and create suggestions for their ideas and I try to find some key words when they are talking then ask some questions about what they said.
I am an engaged listener and can consider other perspectives.