Take your kids to work day

For take your kid to work day learned what it was like to work from home with my mom Sandra. She works for a company named Ava, basically they make the medical data charts software for clinics and hospitals. For most of the time she would be on video calls with ither other clinics or new workers that she would teach around ext.

The whole working from home factor is very nice as well. I would be way more interested in working somewhere I don’t need to drive to every morning and use a lot of gas to get to, this way it is way cheaper and easier to get started in the morning and you also wouldn’t feel rushed.

1. What did you hear, see, smell, and feel in the work environment on Nov. 6th? Use details

A vast majority of her job from what I saw was many meetings with other clinics or new workers that she would be teaching about how to do this and where to find that. She does around 5-12 meetings a day and these meetings would go on for around an hour or so.

2. What about the environment would motivate you to wake up every day to attend work? Why?

The fact that it is from home makes it way easier to get out of bed and get right to work. It saves time and it saves money, it seems a lot easier than other jobs where your daily commute is almost an hour. To sum it up, I would be motivated to wake up in the morning because my job would literally be in the room over.

3. What about the work environment would discourage you from waking up every day to attend work? Why?

From what I know there is a lot of video calling involved and from what my mom says some of those people can be a bit annoying to deal with, so I feel that at about 9 in the morning trying to explain something to a very annoying person everyday would be a little tiring and would have a big dip in my mental health.

4. What is ONE thing you found interesting about your workplace visit? Why?

How many video calls she goes through in a day. Talking that long with so many people so early in the morning feels like it would be extremely exhausting and I’m not sure that would be super easy for me personally which is why it surprised me that that is what she does almost all day


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