Break the Fake pt. 2 – The Space Shuttle’s fuel tank left unpainted to save 600 pounds of weight – Fake or Not?

I found this post on X (formerly Twitter) about the Space Shuttle’s fuel tank being left unpainted to save 600 pounds of weight. I decided that

I wanted to see if this actually happened. I used screenshots to show the steps I took to see if this post was fake or not.



First of all, I noticed that the account has a golden check mark, which means that they are verified, which generally means that they are a reliable source.

I did a google search for which is the X account’s website and all of the sources say that they are generally a reliable source.

Now, I want to check other reliable sources to see if they have anything about this subject.


In conclusion, the Space Shuttle’s fuel tank was left unpainted to reduce weight, therefore giving it better performance, so Past Factory’s post is not fake.

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