Hello everyone! This blog post will be about what I did on Bring Our Kids To Work Day. I went with my dad to a local company that builds steering systems for ships. My dad works as an engineer, but I got a tour of the whole workplace and I talked to plenty of people who did many different jobs.
The very first thing that we did was a tour of the whole workplace. I got to see all of the different offices and the workshop where they build, assemble, and paint all of the parts. The offices were a quiet working environment where very few people were talking, but the workshop was much louder with people welding and running machines. Both areas had a few people moving about, but in the workshop there were also forklifts to look out for. The office didn’t smell like much, but the workshop smelled like burnt metal because of the welding going on. I felt fairly calm in both areas, though the workshop was a bit loud for my tase.
After that I helped out by organising some papers. I also talked with one of my dad’s coworkers and learned about how the company works and what she did at the company.
The people and the environment would keep me coming back to the job. It was very welcoming and the people I talked with were all very nice. I enjoyed the quiet office environment, but I would probably get bored if I had to go there every day.
In conclusion I went to my dad’s engineering job, got a tour, helped out with paperwork, and talked with one of my dad’s coworkers. I enjoyed the office and the workshop and found all the people quite welcoming.
Finally, I will include some photos taken of the workplace and of me in the workplace. I did not take a picture of the office out of respect for the workers, but I did get some pictures of the workshop when there was no one there.
From left to right: A picture of the workshop Me in the office A picture of the workshop storage