Core Competency Reflection

I effectively used my creative thinking during my English 10 class. While creating stories, essays and projects in that class, I am constantly using my creative thinking to come up with unique and captivating ideas.  

I am able to apply critical thinking in my assignment swot analysis for my grade 10 marketing class. For that assignment I have to reflect and use critical thinking in order to come up with my strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.  

I use my communication skills in my grade 10 careers class because we have many group projects. We are constantly working or discussing matters in a group, and we have to use our communication skills to effectively come up with relevant and strong ideas.  

I’ve developed my social responsibility skills in grade 10 careers by building relationships with new people. We have done multiple ice breakers games creating a stronger connection with my peers. Additionally, we are constantly discussing ideas in new groups which helps people create more relationships.  

I apply postivie personal and cultural identity in English class by sharing stories or writing about our backgrounds, helping us express who we are. We also read my different books or short stories who are about new cultures and beliefs.  

On my soccer team I was able to apply personal awareness and responsibility by owning up to my mistakes and being personally aware of what I need to do on the field and off. By staying focused I was able to grow as a player and as a person.  

Grade 9 reflection

I have shown lots of social responsibility by volunteering. Last year I volunteered with my friend for this soccer camp for little kids. It was a week-long camp where we had to teach/help little girls play soccer. I also volunteered last summer for a day at this rib festival. I had to walk around collecting garbage and asking people if they needed anything.  

I’ve grown the most in creative thinking, in my foods 9 course this year. Throughout this course I ran into many problems that I had to use my creative thinking to problem solve. There were many times in labs where the food had some problems and I had to figure out a way to fix it. I think my problem solving improved throughout this class because at the start it was a little bit of a challenge problem solving but by the end all the problems were easily solvable. 

Next, I will focus on developing my communication skills by continuing to speak more confidently in front of classes. I will continue to work on getting more confident when public speaking and focus on presenting.  

Coast Salish Art

My two designs of a hummingbird.


How was your awareness of Coast Salish Art in our community changed? 

Before doing this Coast Salish art assignments I knew very little about what type of art it was as well as the difference between first nations art. Now after completing the assignment I learned about first of all the meanings of all the animals as well as the shapes. I learned that there is meaning behind the shapes and where you place them and that there is a story behind every piece of art. And I am now able to incorporate what I have learned into a piece of art. Thanks to this assignment I learned lots about the importance of Coast Salish art and I will now be able to recognize all the coast Salish art we have in our society.


Christine Sinclair

My paragraph:

Christine Sinclair broke many stereotypes in her time and proved why she deserved to captain the Canadians Women’s soccer team. Years back at the Women’s world cup in Berlin she broke her nose in the opening game yet continued to play and fight on. She endured a lot of pain yet continued to play for her country not only that she scored the only goal for Canada in that game. She showed the world that day who she was. Another great example of Christine proving her captaincy is when back in august she spoke up/stood up for her country after the supposedly unfair game against the USA. She spoke up knowing that she could be suspended or even fined. She proved again why she has the title of captain.

AI-Generated paragraph:

Christine Sinclair’s captaincy is a testament to her unwavering dedication and resilience, exemplified by her remarkable performance during the opening game of the Women’s World Cup in Berlin, where she famously broke her nose. Despite the injury, Sinclair exhibited unparalleled determination, refusing to leave the pitch and instead persevering to lead her team with courage and grit. This defining moment not only showcased her incredible physical toughness but also underscored her leadership qualities, as she continued to inspire and motivate her teammates through adversity. Sinclair’s ability to lead by example, even in the face of personal hardship, is just one reason why she is such a respected and admired captain. Her commitment to the team’s success, combined with her exceptional skill and experience, make her an indispensable leader both on and off the field.

  • What was your experience in using AI? It was very quick and it is very accurate to what you ask, as well as it is very helpful to gain ideas.
  • Was the paragraph the AI generated accurate? Fact-check any new information and see if it’s true. Yes it was accurate. I fact-checked the information and it seemed to be true and it also was the same information I read in the multiple articles.
  • Was the exercise useful? How can this help you with your learning going forward? I think it can help me think of ideas for many projects and assignments as well as starting sentences, conclusions, etc. So in conclusion it was very useful.
  • Were your results expected? Yes or No? Explain. Yes my results were expected. What I thought and wanted AI to write was exactly what they wrote. However, some of the words they used I did not expect to see because they were very complex.

Break the fake part 2

I have chosen an article about the Eiffel Tower fire. This article states that this popular landmark has caught of fire.

  1. Finding the source

I checked the source the article came from which was “The Sun” and it did happen to have a blue check mark however, the blue checkmark does not mean its a trusted account ever since Elon Musk took over the site and made it so you were able to get a blue checkmark by being subscribed to the premium service. I also checked the name women who published the article and she did not have a blue check mark next to her name.

2. Checking other sources

I went to to see what if I could find any information about the article, however when I searched it up no information came up. This is probably a good indication that the article may not be true.

3. Check other sources

After checking with a few other sources I think it is safe to say that the article written by “The Sun” stating that the Eiffel Tower caught on fire is false. It is a fake rumor that spread all over social media. The photos and videos were ai generated.



Take your kid to work day

For take your kid to work day I went to Bramblewood Elementary school with my mom. I worked in a class with grades 2 and 3. I helped them with whatever subjects they were doing and I answered their questions. I help some kids spell complex words or I simply helped them tie their shoes. That was basically all I did, work with kids all days.

  1. What did you hear, see, smell, and feel in the work environment on Nov. 1st? 

I heard lots of people talking and kids screaming and yelling. I saw many people walking around trying to sort out the kids’ problems. I saw kids running around and getting into trouble. I also saw the secretary and principal constantly on calls, doing work on the computer and dealing with new students and children who came late. It smelt like every other school, but in the area, I was it smelt like yummy food because I was near the staff room. It felt definitely a little chaotic because there were constantly kids running around and kids who were crying because of some sort of problem. Teachers and other workers were also always walking around the school doing a million things at once. However, it did feel very safe and like it was a happy place to work because the staff usually had smiles on their faces, and they were laughing a lot. There were also always kids coming up to the staff giving them hugs and asking them how they were doing.  

  1. What about the environment would motivate you to wake up every day to attend work? 

I think it would motivate me, if I saw that the kids were happy and excited to be there. I think if I saw that I was making the students happy it would encourage me to go because I know that it’s worth it if I’m making others happy. It would also motivate me if I saw that the students were really improving in their work because than I know that I am actually making an impact and that I am actually helping them. 

  1. What about the work environment would discourage you from waking up every day to attend work? 

I think at times it can be a little overwhelming because you have multiple kids talking to you at once, dumping problems on you. There are constantly a million things you must deal with at once and I know that that would cause me a lot of stress and that would not make me enjoy my job.  

  1. What is ONE thing you found interesting about your workplace visit?

I found it interesting how all the staff members really worked together. There were always staff members around to help you out and it wasn’t just every teacher for themselves. If one staff member needed to leave the classroom quickly or whatever they were doing, there was always another worker there willing to fill in for a bit and help them out.