I effectively used my creative thinking during my English 10 class. While creating stories, essays and projects in that class, I am constantly using my creative thinking to come up with unique and captivating ideas.
I am able to apply critical thinking in my assignment swot analysis for my grade 10 marketing class. For that assignment I have to reflect and use critical thinking in order to come up with my strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
I use my communication skills in my grade 10 careers class because we have many group projects. We are constantly working or discussing matters in a group, and we have to use our communication skills to effectively come up with relevant and strong ideas.
I’ve developed my social responsibility skills in grade 10 careers by building relationships with new people. We have done multiple ice breakers games creating a stronger connection with my peers. Additionally, we are constantly discussing ideas in new groups which helps people create more relationships.
I apply postivie personal and cultural identity in English class by sharing stories or writing about our backgrounds, helping us express who we are. We also read my different books or short stories who are about new cultures and beliefs.
On my soccer team I was able to apply personal awareness and responsibility by owning up to my mistakes and being personally aware of what I need to do on the field and off. By staying focused I was able to grow as a player and as a person.