Global warming in 2024

Written by me:

Although 2023 was the hottest year ever, it won’t stay that way for very long. According to experts, a strong El Niño in the Pacific Ocean and increased greenhouse gas emissions will cause 2024 to be even hotter. 2024 may surpass previous records for highest temperature. The globe is currently experiencing extremely high temperatures, and they will only rise.

Written by AI:

In 2024, global warming continues to be a pressing issue, with temperatures rising steadily across the planet. El Niño, a natural climate phenomenon, has exacerbated this problem by bringing warmer ocean temperatures and altering weather patterns worldwide. As a result, we’re witnessing more frequent and intense heatwaves, melting polar ice caps, and unpredictable weather events. These changes not only threaten ecosystems and wildlife but also impact human lives and livelihoods, leading to issues like droughts, floods, and food shortages. Urgent action is needed to mitigate the effects of global warming, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions and investing in renewable energy sources to safeguard our planet for future generations.

When I was using the AI, I found that it is very easy and very fast to find information about broad topics, but it becomes more difficult for the AI to generate content and write about stuff that is less known.

I found that the paragraph the AI wrote was very accurate and detailed. The AI was able to make a large paragraph in under a minute, which I found remarkable. The paragraph was very sophisticated but also easy to understand, it makes the paragraph feel much more professional

This exercise helped me realize the difference in the quality of work between AI and human-created material. there were no grammatical errors, there was more detail and the sentences were much more formed and full.

I received the results I expected because the topic was very big and a very popular thing for the AI to write about. But when you attempt to get the AI to write about something smaller and less known, you may not get the results you would be expecting.

In conclusion the AI performed much better than me in every aspect of the writing assignment.

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