Information Fluency project

DL Assignment 3 Notes DL Assignment 3 Notes

I think that fighting in hockey is ok since you have a choice if you want to fight somebody you don’t have to. It is one of the most entertaining part of the sport and it should stay don’t play hockey if you are a chicken and don’t want to get hurt there are refs on the ice who will call penalty’s and stop unsafe behavior. There are so many things that can hurt you more than fighting like getting hit or hit by a puck so dying because you got beat up in a fight should be the least of your concerns.

Kids People getting hurt from playing hockey is a big deal but it’s not as big of a deal as you think. The majority of people getting hurt is from getting hit and first of all hockey is a contact sport so you should expect to be hit and if you don’t then don’t play also there is a solution play house hockey. there is no hitting allowed but you still get hit just it’s a penalty so I barley happens and the other reasons people get hurt is from getting hit by a puck which means you Eather weren’t paying attention, got scared and turned away from the puck and it hit you in the back, or got hit from a intentional block what didn’t need to do. The other reason people get hurt are from accidents like falling are crashing so it’s nobody’s fault. And if its intent to injure they player will be suspended for a long time.