commenting rules

thanks for visiting my blog hear are some rules for commenting please read them and follow them.

  • Think before you comment. In a face-to-face conversation what you say is not recorded for everyone to hear later. However, your comments can remain on the Internet for a long time and anyone can read them. Avoid regret! Think before you type. 
  • Be polite. You should not swear, hurl insults, act mean, or take over the conversation. If you do, you are likely to have your comments deleted or you will be banned from commenting. 
  • Stay on topic. Your comments should be about the blog post. If you write something unrelated to the topic, it shows that you did not read the article. 
  • Assume everyone can read your comment. You might think your comment is private and it can only be read by your friends or the people in your school. However, since your comments are digital they can be copied and shared with others, without your permission. For this reason, never write anything that you do not want to be public. 

example on a cooking blog post:  hey Callum great job on you last post. on your last post you explained how to make sure the chicken is fully cooked  when making grilled chicken, can you please explain more on how to season the chicken. thanks

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