Appropriate Comments

Hi welcome back to my edu blog, this is Cadence,  today I am writing about four appropriate comments that you or anyone can comment on my edu blog posts…

And here are four guidelines I would like everyone to follow:

  1. Please be civil don’t get mad or comment something just because others do not have the same opinion as you so please comment in courteous manners and be polite to me and to one another.
  2. Please be nice to each other do not be mean to me or other commenters just because you may nit have the same opinion does not give you the right to say hurtful things to one another.
  3. Don’t comment on personal issues because it does not have anything to do with my blog and I do not need to hear about it.
  4. Please be clear and write what you mean do not go off topic or else I may get confused and not know what your trying to say.

And an appropriate comment would be “I really like your opinion. I think you should definitely post more”.