Core Competencies Reflection

This year in grade 11 I have completed school work and activities that have shown core competencies, in particular I have grown the most in my Communication competency, particularly in French because In Etudes de Cinema et Literature 11, we discuss a question or topic in groups. This made me want to express my opinion more improving my communication skills.

In EFP 11 I have shown a level of sophistication in my creative thinking because I have written lots of creative essays on themes which was an excellent example of creative thinking because I demonstrated that I can find themes and come up with creative ways to express them uniquely and in all of those essays I have received high marks for.

Next, I will focus on developing my Critical thinking competency by coming up with ways to solve problems in particular math, instead of jumping to conclusions or asking for help, I will try and take my time and critical thinking to find strategies and ways to solve the more tricky math problems and take my time and think about it and then if I still can’t figure it out then I will go searching for help.



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