My core competency

Creatuve thinking:
In my electronics class, i created a device that creates sound using a board, wires, and Arduino program. In my computer programing class i created a game using python code.

Personal awareness and responsibility:
In my fitness class i learned about well being. It is important to stay fit. I build muscle using machines and weight in fitness gym. It is important to stay hydrated so i drink water after i tire myself after workout.

Core Competencies

I have demonstrated good comunication skills and social responsibility over the years. For example, I played soocer for CMFSC for the past 5 years. Morover, soccer demonstartes teamwork, coordination, and strategy discussion amoung players. Furthermore, Playing in a soccer team requires effective communication among players to achieve common goals and it also promotes social responsibility through selfless actions that benefit the team, such as sacrificing personal opportunities for the team’s success. My strong sense of self and cultural identification is, I think, one of my limitations. I aim to have a great life in the future as I continue to work toward my goal and consider the decisions I need to make in order to become a successful person. I demonstares strong in thinking skills. This is something I have done in science when working on group projects; I share my ideas with my group so we can learn how to work together, listen to each other’s ideas, and expand on them. I came up with many good ideas and worked hard on the project to get a good mark and keep track of time and due date.