Core Competency Reflection

In Geology 12, I developed my communication skills through the various projects we were assigned. Most notably, the Planet X143B assignment where we were given data regarding areas of high volcanic activity and mountain ranges to determine the movement and sizing of plate tectonics on a hypothetical alien planet and present our findings as a report. Throughout this project, I grew my communication skills by discussing and arguing my ideas and representing them in and clear and concise way. Additionally, I had to reflect on my thinking and format my findings in a professional manner. Another core competency I strengthened this year was my critical thinking in Life Sciences 11. Particularly, through our animal dissections. I practiced questioning and investigating by examining the body cavity of an earthworm and squid to detect its major body systems and critical organs and consider how their structure and position uniquely reflects that organism. Furthermore, I had to analyze and critique the data from the lab and apply that to the discussion questions relating various parts of the organisms to humans and each other. However, one of my goals for the future is to develop my social responsibility, specifically my contributions to the community and caring for the environment. I can achieve this through volunteering and making a conscious effort to reflect these values in my personal life.

Core Competency Reflection

In CLE 10, we worked on our financial projects over the course of a month, which was a great demonstration of the critical thinking core competency. In this project, we had to think critically and consider different options and methods to afford various necessities later in life. For example, we had to consider the benefits of buying groceries in bulk, different modes of transportation, and what entertainment sources were the most cost effective and relevant to us. I had to compile and analyze information from different sources, then apply my own judgment and personal experience, to make a decision and reflect on my choices. Additionally, through the course of the semester, I’ve grown the most in the creative thinking core competency. In my English class, I practiced looking at media, like Aladdin and Star Wars with an open mind, and writing essays on individually generated interpretations of the content we were shown. Additionally, I had to use my imagination to create plot and characters in my time travel short story, using inspiration and skills we developed from examples given in class. In the future, I will focus on developing my social responsibility core competency further. I have begun practicing making contributions to my community and solving problems I see in CLE 10, where my group members and I spoke with NaloxHome to learn about what they offer to the community and their contribution to solve British Columbia’s drug crisis. However, I would like to get further involved by volunteering with charities and organizations in my community to make an even larger contribution than simply spreading awareness.

Final Project- Fossil Fuels Infographic


The overall topic of my project was fossil fuel emissions, I wanted to bring attention to the causes and effects of it, as well as show people why we need to be more aware of how we can help. I used many government websites to get my data. I learned our fossil fuel emissions and uses are much larger than I expected. This has shown me technology gives people access to so much information that we can use to educate ourselves and make a real difference in the world.

Information Fluency- Coffee

Coffee is one of the most popular morning drinks; however, many people don’t know how its made or its side effects. In the United States, about 400 million cups are consumed each day. The U.S consumes about three billion pound yearly, which makes up about 1/6 of the coffee in the world. Most of the coffee we drink comes from a plant called coffea arabica. The other 30% of coffee comes from the coffea robusta plant. Coffea robusta gives smaller beans than the arabica and can be grown at much lower altitudes. The berries that grow on these plants are harvested and the good ones are separated. They are then sent to a pulping house, where their pulp is removed to leave the beans behind. The beans are fermented and washed, then set to dry for many weeks. Machines strip the beans even further and take off the skins, they are washed once more before being sent to roasting plants where they are stored and then packed to be placed in stores. The other thing most people overlook when drinking coffee is the side effects. It is said to have many benefits such as reduced depressive symptoms, fewer cognitive failures, lower risk of suicide and helping protect against chronic liver disease. However, once you go over the recommended amount of daily coffee, which is two to three standard cups, you risk developing bad side effects. Such as a higher risk of anxiety, insomnia, headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, and acid reflux. To conclude, coffee is the perfect drink early in the morning but its important to know how its made and the potential risks of drinking it.

Break the Fake- Part 2

I came across this tweet that claims Meghan Markle made Kate Middleton cry. I am going to find out if this article is true or not. 


1. First, I went to the source’s account to see if there was any verification. I found they have a check mark and 2.8 million followers.

2. Next, I checked the source on wikepedia to see if they were considered a reliable source. I found they have “been critisised for its unreliability, its printing of sensationalist and inaccurate scare stories of science and medical research, and for instances of plagarism and copyright infringment”.

3. Finally, I searched on google. I found numerous articles saying Meghan had come out and said it was actually Kate who made her cry in an interview.

To conclude, this article is a lie.



Commenting Guidelines

Thank you for visiting my blog. Here are some guidelines for commenting on my blog.


#1 Say something meaningful. Maybe, make a connection, ask a question, etc.

#2 Be polite. No swearing, insults, nothing negative.

#3 No spamming or large comments. Try to stay within a few words or sentences.

#4 Avoid sarcasm. Sometimes a comment may come across as rude because people may misunderstand the tone.


ex. about a tip I gave.

“Hey Avani, thanks for the tip. It helped me alto!”


Take Your Kid To Work Day

What did you hear, see, smell, and feel in the work environment on Nov. 2nd?

I heard friendly conversation and laughter as well as people organizing and planning out the work. I saw all the small details and decisions that go on behind the scenes of building a house. There are so many details and things early on that can effect the end result of the house.I smelled sawdust and fresh wood inside the house, and it smelled dusty as a result of the drywall. I felt a bit stressed about all the small things and decisions that are crucial to the end result being successful, there are so many things that can go wrong and its difficult to coordinate everything perfectly.

What about the environment would motivate you to wake up every day to attend work?  

Getting to be outdoors and dealing with so many different people was a lot of fun. The environment was very casual and friendly and everyone was working towards a common goal. Additionally, as a developer you get to set your own schedule and be your own boss. Altogether, it would motivate me to attend and enjoy my work.