my grade 9 math final

one things that I was very proud of was my grade 9 math final. Finals are big tests that everyone has to take at the end of the semester, but since I am in grade 9 I only had to do one final. The reason I’m proud of this test in particular is because I put a ton of time and effort into studying and preparing for this exam. I made it my mission to fully complete every single worksheet and packet the teacher gave us (and more worksheets that I did in my own time) so that I would be ready for whatever she threw at us. The test was split into two days. On both days I came into the classroom a little nervous but also very confident because I knew that I took the time to study hard. Unfortunately, I can’t post the results or the worksheets because the teacher never posted the results. I don’t know whether I did well or not, but in the end I got an A in the class. This means that I at least passed, which is good to know.

math 9-exponents test

In math 9 we had an exponents unit where we had a few quizzes and a test. the thing that I’m proud of is the test. the reason I am proud of this test is because i put a lot of work in and studied a lot and it payed of. i ended up getting every questions right except for one question near the end where i got 0.5 points taken away because I forgot to write the unit after the final answer. I’m a little frustrated that I got point deducted because of that slight mistake but that has now taught me not to make that mistake again. in every other math test from then on I always added the unit whenever I needed to after the number. I would post a picture of the final results but I seem to have lost it somewhere inside my backpack. If i can find it i will make sure to post it on my blog so stay tuned.