final project

pdf link for the info-graph

First of all, i apologize for i could not include the image of the info-graph, it is too blurry. i did my research on the relationship between technology, the pandemic and mental health issues. They are all connected in a way of increasing each year. Ever since the pandemic, teenagers have been increasing their screen time and that lead to low self confident to mental issues. teenagers’ screen time has been increasing rapidly and so is the mental health issues. a part of it being that students are focusing less on spending time for themselves nowadays along with the stress from school. students are using social media as a way to help them cope with stress but it is not helping the problem. i used the program canva to help with the info-graph making. it is interesting seeing how making an info-graph could be so easy with the right program and how technology is making our life easier.

Break The Fake pt 2

I came across this post on twitter and found it interesting. Basically it claims that there is a person in Israel who caught a variant of covid called “flurona”.  I was pretty concern when I first saw this and decided to do some research on it.

My first reaction was to check the original poster and the account is verified.

Even though the original poster is verified still doesn’t prove that the news were real so I searched “flurona” with the word “fake” on google search.

After doing some more research i found out that, they were people getting what they called “flurona”, but in reality, “flurona” is just someone catching flu and covid and the same time, and not a variant unlike omicron, which makes the original post fake.