core competency

Throughout my volunteering days in stagecraft this year I have realized the importance of taking social responsibility anyhow to be a supportive role to our school’s theatre program. I had initially not signed up for the class to keep it casual and avoid having to take up responsibility, but throughout the production of “a midsummer night’s dream”, i took on numerous projects in the art department and stayed for every night during sow nights as crews. while working on the art projects, ive learnt to understand sacrifices and compromises must be made. An initial idea might turns out to be too complicated and have to be abandoned even after hours of working on it. the idea might not have been what i had in mind initially, but when working together towards a common goal, whatever you do should be towards improving the common goal. During my time working backstage for show nights, ive realized the importance of remaining calm and becoming the person others could rely on. people would come to me when they are having troubles backstage and it’s part of my job to take this stress off of them. although this has been stressful initially, knowing im reliable enough for others to count on motivates me. overall, ive learnt so much through stagecraft on how to work in an environment under stress and tight deadlines, and the skills to collaborate with others.