Communication (Strength):
This year, I led an English 9 activity in Peer Tutoring 11 to help students with their “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” play. It was an excellent example of communication, for I demonstrated that I could connect, collaborate, engage with my audience, and build relationships to reach shared goals. I presented my activity plan of rehearsing portions of the play to practice acting, organized the class into groups, and ensured everyone was on task. In the future, I can enhance this skill by working with new people, expanding my social circle, and reaching out of my comfort zone. I strive to become an effective communicator and will continue to build my communication abilities.
Critical Thinking (Strength):
In French 10, I presented my final project in a Pecha Kucha presentation, an excellent example of my critical thinking skills. I demonstrated that I could make judgements, evaluate and develop interpretations, identify implications, and pinpoint connections. I had to analyze both Rhinocéros by Eugène Ionesco and the Star Wars franchise by George Lucas to develop my presentation on the similarities of their “dark sides”. I have asked complex questions and delved into philosophical ideas to enhance my critical thinking skills. I could work on developing deeper connections and conceptualizing new ideas in the future.
Personal Awareness and Responsibility (Stretch):
This year, I have demonstrated my ability to identify my strengths and limits, find internal motivation, and act on opportunities for self-growth by organizing and time managing my time effectively. I have taken 12 courses this year, including concert and jazz band. Moreover, I took Science 10 in the summer before Grade 10. I recognized what to prioritize and stayed on top of my work, showcasing that I was aware of my capabilities and understood how to push myself further. For example, I had to pace myself in my Planification 10 COL and exert myself to complete it outside of school.