A post that caught my eye on CNN’s Breaking news was that Elon musk finally got his Neuralink in an actual human brain. I thought to myself, is this real? Since the promises made by Elon himself were very ahead of our time and unbelievable, allowing people who have lost the use of their limbs to be able to move them, I thought it was fake, let’s find out.
With no acknowledgement from fact checking source, it leads me to believe that this story is real because no one doubts it and also since many reliable news sources like CBC and The Washington Post confirm Elon Musk’s word, I can conclude that his message was said; however, we can only rely on the company’s word, furthermore some fact-checker sources like Snopes have not caught up with this story, so it isn’t confirmed whether the Neuralink is in a human’s brain other than what Elon musk has said.
To wrap everything up, it is true that Elon Musk did say that his Neuralink Chip is being used on human brains, however no proof was released, so it’s up to you whether to believe him or not, but all we know is Elon’s word.