Welcome to Aiden Chan’s Blog


Welcome to my blog. I am Aiden Chan. I am a grade 9 student from dr. Charles best secondary school. I love anime, computer science, and video games. My favorite subject is math. My first language is Cantonese. I have taken Spanish 9, introduce to academic language 9, math 9, and electronic and robotic 9 this semester. I joined the anime club and board game club after school. Overall, I like this school because the school is giving a reasonable amount of homework per day. You can contact me by this email: 080-achan1@sd43.bc.ca



getting to know me:

Here is my favorite quote:

“Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win”
― Sun Tzu, Art of War

I like this quote because it reminds you to be prepared and double check before you do something, witch always led you to winning if you follow so. I belief be prepared for everything is the first step of being successful.


Here is my favorite youtube clip:

This is favorite YouTube clip because the amount of detail he put in this model. He sands, re-color the part, shading, add detail and remade some part, and most importantly, build a light system in this small model. I am impressed by the light system he made because he turns the “spike” at the back into a battery. (8:26) I wish I could create something like that in the future.


Here is a picture that impact me:

This is my collection. the item on the top left conner is a model with light build in. It is my 13 years old birthday gift. The post card, stand and the emblem were items I got from anime fair. those items are limited supply, and I am really lucky to get them. This picture impact me because it shows I like anime and I treasure those items. looking at it makes me happy.


my favorite website:

I don’t really have a favorite website, because every website has its own unique use in different situation. but in utility, I like discord the most because you can get memes, technology help, homework help or even a specific community on a specific game or schools. There are also a lot of company use discord as a Q and A station. Discord is the most useful website for help.