thanks for visiting my blog. Please be considerate and nice when commenting on my blog. I outlined some guidelines for my commenting on my blog.
When commenting on someone else’s blog
- Make sure that your comments add value to the post and to join in the discussion in a positive and constructive way. Don’t write a comment that is so long you detract from the original post. One or two brief points. This will make the blogger more likely to read and comment on your blog in return. If you make a good point you will give their readers a reason to check out your blog as well.
2) Respect other commenters. Be professional, bloggers don’t want their blog to be hijacked by rude comments and their fallout.
3) Comment should be related to the content or topic of the post. don’t comment about things that are off topic.
4) Contribute To The Conversation. If you disagree, that’s great! Voice your opinion and say why you think the blogger is wrong (just try to be civil). If you think the blog post missed a few pointers leave it in the comment section. Don’t just be a passive blog commenter and reiterate what has already been said. Lead the conversation!
“great post I really liked your post about hockey, I think this style of gear is better but that brand is still good”.