About Me

Hi! I am 14 years old and I used to attend Hillcrest Middle School. I am excited to be going into high school because I heard about all the opportunities and how you were able to have bigger lockers. I mainly am excited for bigger lockers because last year we had half lockers and it was hard to fit my backpack and school supplies etc.


My Favorite Quote: My favorite quote is “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream” by C.S. Lewis. I think that quote is meaningful to me because it encourages me to follow my dreams and goals no matter what age I am.


My Favorite YouTube Clips: 


A Picture That Impacted Me:         Here is a picture that impacted me. This is a picture of someone climbing a cliff which I find to be inspiring because it shows you can do anything you want in life if you have courage.


My Favorite Website: 

Cool math games

Click here for my favorite website

The History Of My Birthday: My birthday is on June 15th and I found that on that day in 1184 King Magnus in Norway was defeated by his rival, Sverre, and that King John signed the Magna Carta in 1215. The Magna Carta is a peace treaty between the king and rebel barons.

Recent Posts

Microbit Project Coding #2

To code our microbit to act as a step counter we will need to find the correct variable and add them together to count up once as it shakes. To improve our coding process we will look at other microbit projects that are already finished so we have an idea of how to code our microbit. If we have extra time we can try to add more variables to it. So, possibly in the future code it so that it makes beeping sounds at large step number like 100 or 1000 in order to know how many steps you have taken.

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