I’m the type of person to tends to keep up with news, through Global News, when I’m eating diner with my family. Since I keep up with news through Global News, I don’t have a reason to go online and look up news articles online. However, I came across this news article about dikes being rebuilt, while environmentalists saying, how this can harm healing salmons habitats. As a person who cares about climate change and global warming, this article caught my attention right away. However I got a little sceptical about this article because it came from the Pique Newsmagazine , a newspaper service that I have never herd of. So i then started to see if this article is true or fake.
I began this search, by looking up the Pique Mewsmagazine on Wikipedia. There was very little information about the Pique Newmagazine because there was only 5 sentences written about Pique. I then begin to get more sceptical about this news article, because the Pique Newsmagazine is nearly 30 years old, since it was made and how very little information about it.
After finding very little of Pique Newsmagazine in Wikipedia, I then decided to look up the Pique newsmagazine in the google search bar. Only I could find, was articles, the twitter and Facebook account for the pique newsmagazine. However, I could not find any articles about the pique Newsmagazine being fake.
With the tittle information I had about the Pique newsmagazine, I went to snopes.com to see if I can find the article and see if it is fake. I could not find anything on the article, possibly due to the fact, that this story was published 2 days ago.
After fining barely anything, I searched up the topic in the google search about see if I could find anything about the topic and I found the same article talked about by Burnabynow. I checked for anything about the Burnabynow on Wikipedia, but I found nothing helpful.
I looked at both news articles twitter accounts and Stefan Labbé, because he was the writer for the story that was on both news articles. Both News did not have a blue check mark next to them. However Stefan Labbé did have a blue check mark.
Finally, after researching Stefan Labbé online. I found out that he is a reporter on climate change and has appered on my other news channels, like Guardian, the Globe and Mail, Open Canada and PBS Newshour that have reported on other stories he has done.
After a lot of research I can come to the conclusion that this article by Stefan Labbé is true.