Assignment 8c: Infographic and data assignment

  • What is the overall topic and the goal of your project?

The overall topic for my project is the most endangered species of rhinos. The goal of this project is to bring awareness to what’s going on around the world. The goal is to also ensure that people take the time and effort to care for not only the endangered species, but also the environment to ensure a nice and healthy life for both humans and animals.

  • What sites did you use to collect your data and create the infographic and what did you learn about it?

The sites I used were from ‘Our World In Data’, , and the title of the data collection area is called The state of the world’s rhino populations. I learnt about all of the different species of rhinos and mainly the statistics to demonstrate their endangerment. I also learnt that it doesn’t matter what species they are, if they are endangered, we must always take caution and awareness to the situations theses poor animals are in.

  • How has the process of utilizing these sites impacted your understanding of how technology can change (or help) the world?

These statistics can help the world because if a rich or person in power came across these helpful sites, they can have awareness in the certain situations. This can lead to them using their power and money for the good. For example if there was an article talking about homeless dogs in a certain part of the world, the person who came across the article can help with adopting or taking care of the dogs. Technology is also very good for making people better versions of themselves. They could come across an article talking about a person being bullied or getting picked on and the person reading the article would potentially feel sorrow for the person getting bullied. The article could change their mindsets and attitudes for the better. Another example is with my chosen article. If a hunter or somewhat were to view the article, they could stop hunting those animals because they are now aware of the situations the rhinos are in.

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