“Take your kid to work day” by Adriana Dominelli

*Taken on my laptop*

Today, I visited my dad in his workplace. We didn’t have to travel whatsoever, as his workplace is in our basement. My dad is in the musical industry. He plays music, such as the electric guitar and the piano, but what he mainly does is help make and produce others music, that is what my dad did today and what I’ll be sharing with you guys today.

What did you hear, see, smell, and feel in the work environment on Nov. 2nd? 

The workplace was not too big, but also not too small. The area was crowded with different varieties of guitars and pianos (what he plays mostly). the place had many speakers surrounding the room, which was quite intimidating. There was a triple screen computer on his desk, which is used to help create and make the music. I could hear a lot of different tracks and instruments, my dad would frequently replay the music he was working on (which was pretty annoying). The workspace smelt a lot like cardboard, like the stuff you would smell in Ikea. I felt very interested and intrigued by the amount of instruments my dad had, he even had a pink electric guitar that i would have never guessed he had.

What about the environment would discourage you from waking up every day to attend work?

One thing that would not make me motivated to waking up to attend work in that environment is the thought that I would need to spend all my time in front of a screen. As I get headaches really easily, this job path would not be a smart choice to choose for my own. To make it worse, I would need to do it for at least 5 days a week. Another reason is because this job path is the opposite type of work that i would rather be in the future, and that is something to do with sports. So if I were to have this as my career path, I wouldn’t be all that excited.

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