Thank you for visiting my blog. feel free to comment but please be thoughtful about what you say when commenting on my work. here are a few guidelines I have made that I hope can be followed when commenting on my blog.
- Keep it respectful: Criticise ideas, not people
the comments are here to help me improve my blog so I am open to criticism but please don’t criticize others.
- Read the full article before commenting
please make sure to read and review my whole article before commenting to make sure you fully comprehend what I am talking about.
- comments should be at least two sentences.
I would like the commenters to be specific on what they are trying to say about my blog. I believe that you cannot be fully clear when writing only a single sentence.
- Treat people the way you want to be treated
please be thoughtful and considerate when commenting on my blog. If you can’t says the comment to me in person you shouldn’t be saying it to me online.
example of an appropriate comment:
“Hey Addy, thank you for the great tips about “_____” they were really helpful and they’re really gonna help me improve so much. In the future could you give tips about “_____”?”